
Monday Jan 20, 2025
Episode 04 - So Glad To Be Back!
Monday Jan 20, 2025
Monday Jan 20, 2025
It's been a long hibernation for me, but I've cleaned out the fridge and dusted the furniture and stand at the door ready to welcome everyone back to the Snow Cave! Pull up a chair, grab your favorite mug of something tasty and let's have a good old catch up!

Saturday Nov 25, 2023
Episode 03 - Clearing Out Your Head
Saturday Nov 25, 2023
Saturday Nov 25, 2023
Welcome back, cave dwellers! Today's podcast is a mixed bag of thoughts and food and clutter and contemplation! I hope you enjoy it. Please leave feedback if there's anything you'd like to hear discussed.

Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
Episode 02 - Getting Creative
Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
Thank you to everyone who braved the elements to join me in the Snow Cave! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. This week, we're talking about about creativity: where does it come from - how does it happen, and why?
We'll also talk a bit about the coming holiday season, and welcome some new sponsors from the beautiful Bitter Root community.
All music used by permission.

Sunday Oct 29, 2023
Episode 01 - Welcome To The Snow Cave
Sunday Oct 29, 2023
Sunday Oct 29, 2023
Welcome to the Singing In A Snow Cave podcast! Thank you for coming! This is a safe place, and you are all welcome here. Please show some love to our sponsors!
All music used with permission

It's Been A Long Journey....
The night is cold, and the trail is long and lonely. You feel as if you have been traveling forever. But your step is sure, and your heart is light. You are heading home, the home you weren’t even sure existed, the home that calls to you in your dreams. And you are so close; close enough to make out the warm glow of firelight on the dark horizon.
As you approach, you hear the gentle laughter of friends and voices raised in song – a melody you have never heard before, and yet it is as familiar as a mother’s lullaby.
Step inside. Happy faces greet you, and welcoming arms reach out to comfort you. Soon you are surrounded by good cheer, good food and drink. This is love and acceptance. This is where you have always belonged. This is home.
You have arrived at the Snow Cave.

Our Sponsors:
Hard-Hearted Hannah's Handmade Soap
Many legends are told about Hard-Hearted Hannah, the Vamp of Savannah. All we can say is she might be a 'cold, refrigerated Mama', but her handmade, artisan-style soaps are the 'polar bear's pajamas!'
Made with only the purest ingredients, HHH soaps come in a variety of beautiful colors and scents, and believe me, they get the job done.
"Hard-Hearted Hannah's Soap - hey, it can't hurt."
Available wherever quality hand-crafted soaps, candles and beauty products are sold, including:

Our Sponsors:
Chapman Hardware
Here in Bitter Root, SC, we are proud to show off our local vendors. Chapman Hardware has been in business since Mark Chapman's grandfather began selling plants out of the back of his old Model-T and driving all the way to Collins Dock to help out a neighbor mend a fence post, install a privy or deliver a cow.
That's why Chapman Hardware became known as the "We Can Do It!" store. Whatever needs doing, they can do it!

The Tea Cup Cafe
The Tea Cup Café is located at the corner of East Main street and Green Avenue in downtown Bitter Root. A trip to the Tea Cup is like stepping back in time, where Louleez and her children Kissy and Joey invite you to enjoy delicious breakfast, lunch and dinners cooked the old fashioned way.
Don’t forget to try the Tea Bar, and have Kissy brew up one of the Café’s 85 different types and flavors of tea from around the globe.
Thursday nights feature Karaoke at the Tea Cup, and Sunday Brunch starts at 10:30. Kissy says it’s worth it just for Lou’s Chocolate and Biscuits. They're the sweetest treat in Bitter Root!
The Tea Cup Café: No fast food here - just good food cooked fast.

The Carolina In The Afternoon Radio Hour
Tune in to The Carolina in the Afternoon Radio Hour on WSBR, where Cousin Mable Irene invites you into her home each Friday, along with Aunt Betty at the piano, for a visit full of music, laughter and good old homespun fun.
The Carolina In The Afternoon Radio Hour - each Friday at 4pm on WSBR – 880 on your AM dial. Cousin Mabel Irene and Aunt Betty are really campaigning for the show to be broadcast on WSBR's FM side, so be sure and give the station a call to let them know how much you enjoy the show!

The Bitter Root Institute Academia
This special school is like no other.
This is the time of year Bitter Root’s famous ‘School Under The Ground’ gears up for the annual Frost Fair in our beautiful town park. This year, Principal Gesualda Henny promises the fair will be the best yet, and while she assures me of that every year, I have to admit it’s true every year!
The School is in session each year from September to December 1. Enrollment is by invitation only.